Saturday, February 23, 2008

Dr. Orlock and Rollo

Here we have a poorly colored Dr. Orlock, the main character of my little world. He's ascending from a leisurely jump, I assure you.

Below, we have his sidekick, Rollo, smashing up a Sea Goon. To his right, all four Sea Goons, tiny-fied.


Anonymous said...

holy moly, Dr. Orlock and Rollo are quiet the dynamic duo!
I want to know more about their abilities!
The Dr. Orlock pic in particular blows me away. I like the colors you chose. And those hands, my oh my. Almost Dr. Seusian but cooler.
Eagerly awaiting their return on this blog.

Anonymous said...

i like the shading and blobbiness. there should be sound effects